Candidate Detail

I am an artist.  I am a lifelong learner - always striving to become better than I was the day before.  Being of service to people is paramount to realizing my dreams and that is to become mega rich.

Skills and tools

Team Management
Understanding Buyer Psychology (CU)
Sales Fundamentals (CU)
Social media marketing
Corporate communications
Digital marketing
Business analysis


  • August 2000 - May 2001
    Cisco Networking Academy

    This was the first Cisco Networking Academy Class in the country that was created initially by the founder of Cisco Networking Systems John Chambers.  I attended this academy at my local vocational school while in highschool and became a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).

  • August 2009 - May 2013
    Bachelors of Science in Journalism
    West Virginia University

    I'm a Mountaineer from West Virginia University.  I bleed gold and blue.

Work Experience

  • December 2002 - April 2004
    Onsite Service Technician
    Daly Computers
    Subcontracted out by Dow Chemicals to support all end-user systems, backup servers, and printers.
  • April 2004 - February 2009
    Onsite Service Technician
    Subcontracted out by Dow Chemicals to support all end-user systems, backup servers, and printers.
  • May 2010 - May 2012
    Production Director
    I was the Production/Creative Director for WWVU-FM (U-92 FM) College Radio at West Virginia University.
  • May 2012 - May 2013
    Program Director
    Attained the highest paid position a student could attain - Program Director and managed 120+ college-aged students throughout different departments - DJ's, News, Sports, Production, Sales.
  • October 2011 - May 2013
    Audio Archivist
    West Virginia University Extension Services
    Digitized WV Extension Offices audio contained on reel-to-reel audio recordings.
  • May 2013 - August 2013
    On-Air Personality
    Live on-air radio personality.  Produced a local radio show where I arranged interviews with local bands and created features for each and every show.  

Awards and Certificates :

  • June 2001 - June 2004
    Cisco Networking Systems3 years
  • May 2001 - December 2020
    A+ Software and Hardware
    New HorizonsOngoing